Oh no! My property tax appraisal went up!

If you live in Texas and you haven’t seen your property tax appraisal yet, brace yourself.


It’s going to be THROUGH THE ROOF.


                                                                                               But what do you do next?

                                                    You can fight your residential or commercial property tax values through a protest/appeal.

It’s a super simple process … let me teach you how …

Fighting your property tax appraisal takes less than 10 minutes.

If you fought your taxes online last year, you'll have an electronic login. You can use that login to view your appraised value for this year and fight your taxes again. Just click on the button to file your protest electronically (it takes about 2 minutes) and you can upload evidence (comparative values, photos, things that need fixed). You will also be asked what value you think the home is worth.

The Central Appraisal District might try to settle with you and you can accept that settlement online or proceed to a hearing where you can present that evidence and plead your case!

If you did not fight your property tax appraisal last year, there are instructions on the document you received in the mail. Follow those instructions to file in paper form or online.

Here’s the link you’ll need for El Paso County, Texas: https://epcad.org/ProtestsAndAppeals#protests

The website walks you through the DIY process.

If you live elsewhere in Texas, your Central Appraisal District should have similar info online. Don’t be shy – whether you own multi-unit residential, commercial, or a single family home, it’s your right to protest your property’s appraised value.

Pro tip: Too busy to do DIY? There’s also attorneys that fight property taxes for you. A simple Google search will lead to a contact in your area.


                                                                                    Don’t leave money on the table! Good luck!